The Bookmobile will be at the following school stop. All patrons are welcome to visit the Bookmobile at any of its stops.
8:45 AM - 11:45 AM Lincolnshire Elementary @ 17545 Lincolnshire Rd, Hagerstown, MD 21740
The Bookmobile will be at the following school stop. All patrons are welcome to visit the Bookmobile at any of its stops.
8:45 AM - 11:45 AM Lincolnshire Elementary @ 17545 Lincolnshire Rd, Hagerstown, MD 21740
Children ages 18 - 36 months and their caregiver will enjoy songs, fingerplays, flannelboard stories and books. Pre-registration for a 12 week session is required. Call the library to sign up.
The Bookmobile will be at the following community stop. All patrons are welcome to visit the Bookmobile at any of its stops.
1:45 PM - 2:15 PM: St James Village, Hagerstown
The Bookmobile will be at the following community stop. All patrons are welcome to visit the Bookmobile at any of its stops.
2:15 PM - 2:30 PM: St James North @ Lyles Dr, Hagerstown
The Bookmobile will be at the following community stop. All patrons are welcome to visit the Bookmobile at any of its stops.
2:45 PM - 3:15 PM: King's Kids @ 17718 Lappans Rd, Fairplay
Drop by the library afterschool on Thursday afternoons and give your brain a digital detox! We will have coloring books and board games. Bring a friend!
Planetarium show for preschoolers, early elementary and their parents. An age appropriate version of "A Brief Tour of the Universe", discussing the stars and constellations, the moon's phases and exploring some of the planets of the uni
Ages 3 and up. Stories, songs and a craft!
The Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA) is the Maryland state agency that regulates the business of insurance in Maryland. They provide consumers information about all areas of insurance including auto, home, renters, life, health and lo
Planetarium show for ages 8 and up. "A Brief Tour of the Universe", discussing the stars and constellations, the moon's phases and exploring some of the planets of the universe. Registration required by calling 301-432-8825.
Join our lively book club as we discuss interesting books and enjoy each other's company. Each year, we bring titles of books we'd like to read at book club (or books we enjoyed and would like the club to read) to our August meeting.
Bring your teddy bear, wear your pajamas if you want, and join us for stories, songs, crafts, and fun before bedtime. No registration required. For all ages.
The Washington County Free Library invites you to the Fletcher Film Series, where each month's films are based around a different theme.
Comunidad Latina de Washington County and the Washington County Free Library host evenings of casual conversation aimed at letting learners of Spanish and English practice speaking each others' language.